2020 Junior Robotics Tournament


Date: 7 March 2020
Venue: Cyberport 3 – Training Room, Training Theatre
Time: 9am – 5pm

日期: 2020年 3月 7日
地點:數碼港 3期 Training Room, Training Theatre
時間: 9am – 5pm

Notes on Registration

1. 一張報名表註冊代表一支隊伍。
2. 不限制每個機構或學校參賽隊伍數目。
3. 只接受電郵報名、比賽網站報名或郵寄本表報名,惟自負郵誤。
4. 每支隊伍最少兩人,最多五人,其中一位為隊長。
5. 必須填寫參賽隊伍名稱,限 10 個中文字或英文字內。
6. 報名費用每位參賽學生港幣壹佰元整,遞交本表後 十個工作日內以劃線
支票抬頭: Peanut King Solution Limited
郵寄地址: 新界葵涌大連排道 42-46 號貴盛工業 大廈二期 14 樓 G09 室。
7. 本會收齊報名資料及費用後會以電郵向負責老師確 認。
8. 如有垂詢,請電郵至 info@hkjrt.org,上款請註明 『2020 比賽查詢』。
9. 如有爭議,以籌委會網頁最新公佈作準: http://hkjrt.org/
10. 報名截止: 2020 年 2 月 14 日

1. Register ONE team using ONE registration form.
2. Each school / organization can apply for more than one
3. Submit application ONLY ONCE by following methods: Email, Website or Post.
4. Each team must consist 2-5 students, including a team captain.
5. Please fill in the team name within 10 Chinese or English words.
6. The application fee is HK$100.00 per student excluding teacher/coach. Submit crossed cheque by post:
Payable: Peanut King Solution Limited
Mail Address: Rm G09, 14/F, Kwai Shing Ind. Bldg. Phase 2, 42-46 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung N.T.
7. A confirmation Email will be sent to Teacher after receiving both registration details and application fee.
8. For enquiries, please send Email to info@hkjrt.org entitled “2020 Tournament Query”.
9. In case of any dispute, the Committee reserves all rights of final decisions and will publish on the Website: http://hkjrt.org/.
10. Deadline of Registration: 14 February 2020.

Supporting Parties

Become a Partner
Peanut King Solution Ltd
Peanut King Solution Ltd